Monday, July 11, 2011

"Guess what happens if you hide no bake cookies in your underwear drawer... your unawears smell like chocolate!" -You know who you are

Once upon a time
I ran away this past weekend
I spent Friday night, Saturday, and the first part of Sunday just hanging out with sister
We ordered heavenly Papa John's pizza on Friday night
Saturday we ate the leftover aforementioned pizza then that night we made killer chicken tacos
they were seriously the bomb
Spicy chicken street taco (inspired) with fresh pico de gallo (is that how you spell that?!)
Gahhh I can't stop thinking about them. mmmmmm
Late late late that night we went in search of dessert and ended up with Churros and Cheesecake bites from Del Taco.

What did we do other than eat?
Loads of TV, DVR, laughter, and craziness. Oh and sleep. Lots of good sleep.

I had such a good weekend. It was so relaxing and nice to get out of my small town and do something other than my regular weekend routine.


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